“The ability to compete is an attribute of physical talent, being competitive is an aptitude of psychology.”
The Art of Visual Handicapping: Identifying the Athlete
Tom Amello
Kerry has prepared a comprehensive treatment of the racehorse as emerging athlete in the context of Individual and Group Herd Dynamics. The form is a textbook-like reference manual for not only improving visual handicapping but imparting a greater...
Read MoreKerry has prepared a comprehensive treatment of the racehorse as emerging athlete in the context of Individual and Group Herd Dynamics. The form is a textbook-like reference manual for not only improving visual handicapping but imparting a greater understanding of the horse.
Read LessVisual Handicapping
david piasecki
We are in the Age of Information, and with the accessibility of race and workout replays, if you are not using this system to handicap your races, then you are behind the times and behind in your ROI. Need to know distance aptitude? Follow this c...
Read MoreWe are in the Age of Information, and with the accessibility of race and workout replays, if you are not using this system to handicap your races, then you are behind the times and behind in your ROI. Need to know distance aptitude? Follow this course while watching replays. Most horse players talk about "The Look", that they want to see from a horse in the paddock or the post parade. This is the ONLY content available that describe what "The Look" is, how to find it, and what it means. Do yourself the favor and enroll in this course.
Read LessThe title expresses the content very well. Who is the horse over what is the horse.
Jeff Simpson
Gained a number of insights from my first reading. Based on this I intend to re-read this text in anticipation of possible forthcoming works by Kerry Thomas.
Gained a number of insights from my first reading. Based on this I intend to re-read this text in anticipation of possible forthcoming works by Kerry Thomas.
Read LessWho is this course for?
Course Type: Master Class / Informational / Educational
Welcome to: The Art of Visual Handicapping; Identifying Athletes
Become a Student, Be Empowered
Potential students can expect to gain a profound understanding of the intricate relationship between the psychology of performance and the identification of talent in equestrian sports. Here's some of what you can anticipate from your learning experience.
1. Insight into the Psychological Dynamics of Equine Performance: By exploring the depths of the equine psyche, students will uncover the fundamental principles that drive athletic performance beyond physical attributes. Students will learn how to distinguish between mere competitiveness and the psychological aptitude that sets elite horse athletes apart.
2. A Comprehensive Approach to Handicapping and Talent Identification: This course offers a holistic perspective on handicapping by delving into the psychological aspects that influence performance. Students will gain essential tools and strategies to identify expressions of true talent, whether for betting purposes or simply for a deeper appreciation of equine athleticism.
3. Transcending Traditional Boundaries: This innovative course breaks through traditional boundaries by offering valuable insights that extend beyond the realm of betting. Students from various backgrounds, including horse enthusiasts, casual riders, and seasoned professionals, will find immense value in understanding the behavioral characteristics of elite equine athletes.
4. Empowerment at Every Level of Expertise: Whether students are novices or seasoned professionals, this course caters to individuals at every stage of their equestrian journey. As a student you will gain the knowledge and confidence to recognize and appreciate the nuances of equine behavior, empowering you to make informed decisions while enriching your overall experience with horses.
5. Enhanced Competitive Edge and Broadened Horizons: For betting enthusiasts, this course provides a unique opportunity to gain a competitive edge by deciphering the psychology behind horse performance. However, it also offers a broader educational experience for anyone eager to deepen their understanding of performance psychology and unlock the true potential within the horse.
Course curriculum
Pop Quiz 1
Performance Stress
Pop Quiz 2
Sensory Soundness; Basic Principles
Pop Quiz 3
Patterns of Motion; Competitive Expression
Pop Quiz 4
Identifying Athletes Part 1; Athlete V/S Athletic
Takeaways - Identifying Athletes Part 1
Pop Quiz 5
About this course
- $265.00
- Discussion
- 11 Chapters

Kerry M Thomas
Pioneer of Sensory Soundness and Herd Dynamic
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